Who are you calling scruffy-looking?

Who are you calling scruffy-looking?

Monday, August 24, 2015

Ode to (no) sleep

Once upon a time, around 2 am, my daughter awoke to a lake in her bed.
She fussed and she flailed to show she was unhappy, all because she had peed right through her nappy.
Oh, dear Huggies diapers, I loathe you, I do. Especially when you do not hold her poo. When from out of her diaper leaks an unholy mess, and she screames and she cries due to all her distress.
Know she should not have awoken until around 6 a.m., so this Momma could beat you with her own two bare hands.
Pampers will now grace my dear daughter's butt, so this Mommy's tired eyes can finally stay shut.
So, as I bring this limerick into conclusion, I really just have this one small solution.
You will no longer have my loyal support, you have caused my patience to be cut very short.
Huggies, you're lucky it's 2 in the morning and my brain is only partially performing, because I promise that were I more awake and alert, I WOULD COME AT YOU, INSOLENT FOOLS!
You suck.
The end.

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