I didn't even realize how long it had been since I last posted. I apologize if you have been waiting with bated breath for my next post, as I'm sure you have. My kids have united together in a boycott against sleep which has left me in a haze of sleep deprivation.
I didn't realize that a common side effect of antidepressants is tiredness. Well, I should say, I didn't expect it. Side effects include insomnia and tiredness, among other unpleasantness. Wouldn't they just cancel each other out and I would be fine!? Nope.
I'm balls tired.
For some ungodly reason, both kids have been getting up multiple times at night. I think they can smell weakness. They know I am compromised so they have been working together like a pack of raptors to take down their prey. When one is rioting, the other waits in the wings for his turn. I'd be okay with it if Chris Pratt showed up to save the day but so far, nothing.
Like a couple of amateurs, Nate and I went to bed at 1 or so. We know better but actually getting to spend time together, without a child beckoning, was too hard to resist.
Around 2 this morning, I woke up to Jules draped over me like sherpa throw. I was trapped beneath layers of blanket and toddler. Despite my annoyance, I snuggled him; my heart full as I cuddled my baby. After a little while, I decided to take him back to his room. Because he was all but smothering me, I had to McGyver out from under the blankets and his dead weight without waking him up. I stumbled blindly through the hallway, barely breathing, to slip him back into his bed. After my mission was achieved, I went back to my room and melted into my bed.
3:00 hit and again, there was Julian, laying over my body. This time, I was not amused. I grumped as I hauled his limp but ridiculously heavy body back to his room. Once he was settled, I went back to my room to find my dear husband, slumbering like a peaceful little lamb, sprawled out over the entire bed. I have never wanted to smother someone with a pillow more than in that moment. I picked up his dead limbs, practically threw them back on his side, and crawled onto my tiny sliver of bed. Finally, I was able to close my eyes once more.
Fate is a cruel mistress. At 4:25 on the nose, Cora began to stir. I pretended not to hear her, praying Nate would wake up to tend to her. My prayers went unanswered. I threw back the covers, muttered an incoherent string of obscenities, and started making a bottle. At that point, I was moments away from going nuclear. I reached over, slapped Nate on the arm as hard as I could and informed him that he was now on duty, or else.
As it turns out, Cora wasn't hungry. She just wanted to say hi. At no point during this interchange did I sleep. We got her changed, tried to force some milk down her gullet, and put her back to bed where she talked herself back to sleep. I nodded off around 4:45 and Nate's alarm went off at 5. I saw him off, fell into a coma and, in a cruel plot twist, woke up at 7 to Julian screaming because his bed was wet.
As a parent of a newborn, you expect to be up every 2 hours or so. As the parent of a 5 month old and an almost 3 year old, I expect to get more than two or so hours of sleep each night. Are there babysitters that just come over for bedtime? For free? Maybe I should sleep in the car tonight. I'm sure the kids would still find me. Or, I would wake up to Nate peeping in the window, eyes bloodshot, clothes covered in barf, begging me to come back inside. Is it sadistic that I get a ridiculous amount of satisfaction from that imagery?